Best papers of the 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailNorrköping 2019), 17-20 June, 2019, Norrköping, Sweden.
A selection of the Best Papers of RailNorrköping 2019 were published in the Special Issue on Best Papers of RailNorrköping 2019 in the Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 15, 2020, with Guest Editors Anders Peterson, Markus Bohlin, Martin Joborn. The Guest Editorial gives a brief description of the papers.
- Egidio Quaglietta, Meng Wang and Rob M.P. Goverde. A multi-state train-following model for the analysis of Virtual Coupling railway operations.
- Yongqiu Zhu and Rob M.P. Goverde. Dynamic and robust timetable rescheduling for uncertain railway disruptions.
- Gert-Jaap Polinder, Marie Schmidt and Dennis Huisman. A new approach to periodic railway timetabling.
- Ambra Toletti, Marco Laumanns and Ulrich Weidmann. Coordinated railway traffic rescheduling with the Resource Conflict Graph model.
- Sara Gestrelius, Anders Peterson and Martin Aronsson. Timetable quality from the perspective of an infrastructure manager in a deregulated market: a case study of Sweden
- Beda Büchel, Timothy Partl and Francesco Corman: The disruption at Rastatt and its effects on the Swiss railway system.
- Ralf Borndörfer, Niels Lindner and Sarah Roth. A concurrent approach to the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem.
- Norman Weik, Jennifer Warg, Ingrid Johansson, Nils Nießen and Markus Bohlin. Extending UIC 406-based capacity analysis: new approaches for railway nodes and network effects.
- Norman Weik and Nils Nießen. Quantifying the effects of variability on the capacity of rail corridors
- Sander Van Aken, Sofie Van Thielen and Pieter Vansteenwegen. Optimal Timetables in case of Temporarily Unavailable Tracks.