Delft University of TechnologyDepartment of Transport and PlanningDelft, The Netherlands
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme,Zurich, Switzerland
Indian RailwaysInstitute of Mechanical & Electrical EngineeringMunger, India
University of BelgradeFaculty of Transport and Traffic EngineeringDepartment of Railway TransportBelgrade, Serbia
TU Dresden"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic SciencesDresden, Germany
Mälardalen University (MDH)School of Innovation, Design and EngineeringEskilstuna, Sweden
University of Texas at AustinTransportation EngineeringAustin, USA
Technical University of DenmarkDepartment of TransportLyngby, Denmark
OpenTrack Railway Technology GmbHZürich, Switzerland
National Taiwan UniversityRailway Technology Research CenterTaipei, Taiwan
Movia GroupCopenhagen, Denmark
Technische Hochschule WildauVerkehrsbetriebsführungWildau, Germany
SINTEFDepartment of Applied MathematicsOslo, Norway
TRENOlabGorizia, Italy
Beijing Jiaotong UniversitySchool of Traffic and TransportationBeijing, China
Beijing Jiaotong UniversitySchool of Traffic & TransportationBeijing, P.R. China
RWTH AachenVerkehrswissenschaftliches InstitutAachen, Germany
Technische Universität DarmstadtInstitut für VerkehrDarmstadt, Germany
University Roma TreComputer Science and Automation dept.Rome, Italy
Université Gustave EiffelLille, France
Linköping UniversityDepartment of Science and TechnologyNorrköping, Sweden
University of SouthamptonTransportation Research groupSouthampton, United Kingdom
University of Rome "La Sapienza"Dipartimento di Idraulika Trasporti e StradeRome, Italy
IVU Traffic Technologies AGBerlin, Germany
Nihon UniversityCenter for Railway ResearchChiba, Japan
University of LeuvenKU Leuven Mobility Research CenterLeuven, Belgium
TTG Transportation TechnologySydney, Australia
Canadian National RailwayMontreal, Canada
Transit Safety ManagementMountlake Terrace, WA, USA