Board Members

Prof. Dr. Rob M.P. Goverde

Delft University of Technology
Department of Transport and Planning
Delft, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman
Vice President

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme,
Zurich, Switzerland

Mr. Abhyuday

Indian Railways
Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
Munger, India

Dr.-Ing. Ivan Belošević

University of Belgrade
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Department of Railway Transport
Belgrade, Serbia

Dr. Nikola Bešinović

TU Dresden
"Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Dresden, Germany

Prof. Dr. Markus Bohlin

Mälardalen University (MDH)
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering
Eskilstuna, Sweden

Dr. C. Tyler Dick

University of Texas at Austin
Transportation Engineering
Austin, USA

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo A. Hansen

Delft University of Technology
Department of Transport and Planning
Delft, The Netherlands

Dr. Steven Harrod

Technical University of Denmark
Department of Transport
Lyngby, Denmark

Dr. Nadia Hürlimann

OpenTrack Railway Technology GmbH
Zürich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Yung-Cheng (Rex) Lai

National Taiwan University
Railway Technology Research Center
Taipei, Taiwan

Dr. Alex Landex

Movia Group
Copenhagen, Denmark

Prof. Dr. Christian Liebchen

Technische Hochschule Wildau
Wildau, Germany

Prof. Dr. Carlo Mannino

Department of Applied Mathematics
Oslo, Norway Giorgio M. Medeossi

Gorizia, Italy

Prof. Dr. Lingyun Meng

Beijing Jiaotong University
School of Traffic and Transportation
Beijing, China

Prof. Dr. Lei Nie

Beijing Jiaotong University
School of Traffic & Transportation
Beijing, P.R. China

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Nießen

RWTH Aachen
Verkehrswissenschaftliches Institut
Aachen, Germany

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Oetting

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institut für Verkehr
Darmstadt, Germany

Prof. Dr. Dario Pacciarelli

University Roma Tre
Computer Science and Automation dept.
Rome, Italy

Dr. Paola Pellegrini

Université Gustave Eiffel
Lille, France

Dr. Anders Peterson

Linköping University
Department of Science and Technology
Norrköping, Sweden

Prof. Dr. John Preston

University of Southampton
Transportation Research group
Southampton, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Stefano Ricci

University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Dipartimento di Idraulika Trasporti e Strade
Rome, Italy

Dr. Joaquin Rodriguez

Université Gustave Eiffel
Lille, France

Dr. Thomas Schlechte

IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Norio Tomii

Nihon University
Center for Railway Research
Chiba, Japan

Prof. Dr. ir. Pieter Vansteenwegen

University of Leuven
KU Leuven Mobility Research Center
Leuven, Belgium

Alex Wardrop

TTG Transportation Technology
Sydney, Australia

Dr. Chao Wen

Canadian National Railway
Montreal, Canada

Thomas White

Transit Safety Management
Mountlake Terrace, WA, USA