Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management (JRTPM)
The Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management publishes scientific articles in the wide area of rail transport planning and management for passengers and freight, including rail transport demand, railway alignment design, capacity assessment, railway transport performance, timetabling, rolling stock and crew scheduling, rail traffic management, train control, automatic train operation, signalling, and safety.
Affiliated with IAROR | Editor-in-Chief: Rob Goverde

Energy-Efficient Train Operation
A System Approach for Railway Networks
This book offers a systematic analysis of energy saving strategies for rail transport, describes a set of optimization methods for reducing the energy consumption for train operation, and covers both urban and mainline rail transport systems.
Shuai Su , Zhongbei Tian , Rob M. P. Goverde
Springer 2023
Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry
This book promotes the use of mathematical optimization and operations research methods in rail transportation. The editors assembled thirteen contributions from leading scholars to present a unified voice, standardize terminology, and assess the state-of-the-art.
Ralf Borndörfer, Torsten Klug, Leonardo Lamorgese, Carlo Mannino, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte (Eds.)
Springer, 2018.

Railway Timetabling & Operations
This book describes the state-of-the-art methods of railway timetabling and optimisation, capacity estimation, train operations analysis and modelling, simulation, rescheduling and performance assessment. The intention is to stimulate their broader application in practice and to highlight current and future research areas.
Ingo Hansen, Jörn Pachl (Eds.)
PMCMedia/Eurailpress, 2014.