Best papers of the 1st International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailDelft 2005), 08 – 10 June 2005, Delft, the Netherlands.
The Best Papers of RailDelft 2005 were published in the Special Issue on Advanced Modelling of Train Operations in Stations and Networks in Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 41(2), 2007, with Guest Editor Ingo Hansen. The Guest Editorial gives a brief description of the papers.
- Ekkehard Wendler. The scheduled waiting time on railway lines.
- Malachy Carey and Ivan Crawford. Scheduling trains on a network of busy complex stations.
- Rob M.P. Goverde. Railway timetable stability analysis using max-plus system theory.
- Jianxin Yuan and Ingo A. Hansen. Optimizing capacity utilization of stations by estimating knock-on train delays.
- Ludolf E. Meester and Sander Muns. Stochastic delay propagation in railway networks and phase-type distributions.
- Joaquín Rodriguez. A constraint programming model for real-time train scheduling at junctions.
- Maura Mazzarello and Ennio Ottaviani. A traffic management system for real-time traffic optimisation in railways.