Best papers of the 2nd International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailHannover 2007), 28 – 30 March 2007, Hannover, Germany.
The Best Papers of RailHannover 2007 were published in the Special Issue on Railway Network Optimization in Networks and Spatial Economics, 9(1), 2009, with Guest Editor Ingo Hansen. The Guest Editorial gives a brief description of the papers.
- Alex Landex. Evaluation of railway networks with single track operation using the UIC 406 capacity method.
- Gabrio Caimi, Dan Burkolter and Marco Laumanns. Design of a railway scheduling model for dense services.
- Winnie Daamen, Rob Goverde and Ingo Hansen. Non-discriminatory automatic registration of knock-on train delays.
- Andrea D’Ariano and Marco Pranzo. An advanced real-time train dispatching system for minimizing the propagation of delays in a dispatching area under severe disturbances.
- Thomas Albrecht. The influence of anticipating train driving on the dispatching process in railway conflict situations.
- Marco Luethi, Giorgio Medeossi and Andrew Nash. Structure and simulation evaluation of an integrated real-time rescheduling system for railway networks.
- Alex Wardrop. Use of railway analysis tools from an Australian perspective.