Best papers of the 4th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailRome2011), 16 – 18 February 2011, Rome, Italy
A selection of the Best Papers of RailRome 2011 were published in the Special Issue on Robust Modelling of Capacity, Delays and Rescheduling in Regional Networks in the Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 1(1), 2011, with Guest Editor Ingo Hansen. The Editorial gives a brief description of the papers.
- Giorgio Medeossi, Giovanni Longo and Stefano de Fabris. A method for using stochastic blocking times to improve timetable planning.
- Francesco Corman, Andrea D’Ariano, Ingo A. Hansen and Dario Pacciarelli. Optimal multi-class rescheduling of railway traffic.
- Satoshi Kanai, Koichi Shiina, Shingo Harada and Norio Tomii. An optimal delay management algorithm from passengers’ viewpoints considering the whole railway network.
- Thomas Schlechte, Ralf Borndörfer, Berkan Erol, Thomas Graffagnino and Elmar Swarat. Micro–macro transformation of railway networks.
- Tobias Lindner. Applicability of the analytical UIC Code 406 compression method for evaluating line and station capacity.