Best papers of the 5th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailCopenhagen 2013), 13 – 15 May 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.
A selection of the Best Papers of RailCopenhagen 2013 were published in the Special Issue on Robust Rescheduling and Capacity Use in the Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, 3(3), 2013, with Guest Editor Ingo Hansen. The Editorial gives a brief description of the papers.
- Malin Forsgren, Martin Aronsson and Sara Gestrelius. Maintaining tracks and traffic flow at the same time.
- Rao, M. Montigel and U. Weidmann. Methods to improve railway capacity by integration of automatic train operation with centralized traffic management.
- Rob M.P. Goverde, Francesco Corman and Andrea D’Ariano. Railway line capacity consumption of different railway signalling systems under scheduled and disturbed conditions.
- Franke, B. Seybold, T. Büker, T. Graffagnino and H. Labermeier. OnTime: networkwide analysis of timetable stability
- Keisuke Sato, Kei Tamura and Norio Tomii. An optimal rescheduling algorithm from passengers’ viewpoint based on mixed integer programming formulation.
- Joris Wagenaar and Leo Kroon. Rolling stock rescheduling in passenger railway transportation by using dead-heading trips.
- Emma V. Andersson, Anders Peterson and Johanna Törnquist Krasemann. Introducing a new quantitative measure of railway timetable robustness based on critical points.
- Reuther, R. Borndörfer, T. Schlechte, S. Weider and K. Waas. Integrated optimization of rolling stock rotations for Intercity railways.
- Friederike Chu and Andreas Oetting. Quantifying infrastructure capacity consumption while transitioning to steady operations during disruptions in passenger rail transport.
- Cosciotti and S. Ricci. Simulation and functional requirements of energy-efficient driving.